27-29 September 2023 – Leiden – Stadsgehoorzaal


27th International Conference on Science, Technology and Innovation Indicators, 2023

Get your ticket

To register for the STI 2023 conference, a variety of tickets is available. There are regular tickets and early bird tickets. The availability of the early bird tickets ends on June 30, 2023.

For online participants from lower income countries (group A and B countries according to Research4Life), we offer a special rate. Check eligibility to find out which countries are included.

Please be aware that the registration closes by the end of August.


Registration in person participation, early bird
€ 475
Registration in person participation, regular
€ 525
Registration online participation, early bird
€ 175
Registration online participation, regular
€ 200
Registration online participation, lower income countries
€ 25

Social programme on-site

PhD event
€ 0
Tuesday, 17:00-20:00 (max. 50 participants).
Pub quiz
€ 0
Tuesday, starting at 20:30. Social event (max. 150 participants). Drinks are at own costs.
WISP event
€ 0
Wednesday, starting at 19:30. Women in Science Policy (after reception drinks), for female participants (max. 40 participants).
Boat trip
Thursday, 18:30-19:30. Boat trip from and to Scheltema (dinner location), before conference dinner (max. 200 participants).
Conference dinner
€ 60
Thursday, starting at 19:30, at Scheltema.